How to Set Tech Boundaries with Your Kids

Here are some helpful guidelines to keep in mind when your family establishes healthy boundaries with their tech like smartphones, computers, video games, etc. Every family is different so it’s important to create a plan that works for your family and specific circumstance.

This list was inspired by 

If helpful, you can print this page and check off expectations you would like to discuss with your kids. 

1.  Establish screen-free zone(s) in the home. 

_bedroom at nighttime

(potential rule: recharge phone outside the bedroom overnight)

_kitchen or dining room (keeping family mealtimes and other family connection time tech-free)

2.  Establish screen free times throughout the day. ​As part of the daily routine, make devices like TVs, phones, computers, games or other electronics off limits at specific times. (Dinnertime and before bedtime are important ones, but more extended breaks from technology each day may also be needed, especially for families with very young children.)

Here are a few examples. It is always good to discuss these with your kids so they have a clear understanding of what the expectations are. 

_while driving (for kids and family members able to drive.)

_ 1 hour before bed 

_meal times 

_family time

_at school

_during virtual learning/meetings

_while walking across the street

_while doing homework

_while in the car at all

_add in your own 

3.  Device Curfews.

Devices will charge overnight in:


_Parent's bedroom

4. Balance online time with offline time.

By decreasing screen time we will have more time for:

_being outdoors

_joining a team or playing a sport

_doing hobbies you like

_being with friends 



5. Manners and media are important to discuss. 

_Not looking at the phone or texting while talking with someone, or during mealtime

_‘if urgent matter comes up, please use “‘excuse me.”

6. Being a good digital citizen.

_Telling a parent or other trusted adult if we get messages or photos that make us uncomfortable

_Telling a parent or other trusted adult if we or others are being bullied, disrespected, attacked or treated badly online

_Sticking up for others online

_Not being rude or bullying anyone online

_Respecting the privacy of othersWe will never forward a text or photo without asking permission

7. Digital safety

_Do not share private photos online

_Do not befriend, chat with or virtually game with someone without a parent's permission

Find more boundary ideas at


How to Make a Truce in Chore Wars


8 Signs You Need Stronger Boundaries